Hi! My name is Paul. I am a legal drug dealer, Blogger, YouTuber, and Videographer. I also enjoy learning and sharing my knowledge of personal finance.
First, thank you for stopping by to learn a little bit more about me and supporting my YouTube videos and blog. This post will explain about how I grew up and why I decided to create this blog and YouTube videos.
I am 28 years old (born 1986) born and raised in Seattle, Washington. Both of my parents were born and raised in Vietnam and immigrated to the United States during the Vietnam War. You can say that I am a blend of Chinese and Vietnamese.

Growing up I was fairly sheltered and had a pretty ordinary childhood. Both of my parents worked and earned modest incomes. I grew up with interests in finance, business, computers, cars, and healthcare. Nothing really stood out to me at the time and I felt fairly lost throughout high school.
In 2005, I entered college at Washington State University not having a clue what I really wanted to do with my life. Asian culture and my family always pushed me to become a doctor of some sort, lawyer, or an engineer. At the time I did not even consider this professions because I was a rebellious teenager.
My first semester was quite adventurous and fun, it was the first time that I had complete freedom with my time. I met a lot of people and partied quite a bit. Due to my poor time management and lack of focus I registered my worst GPA in my life with a 2.4 GPA. This was a wakeup call to get my priorities straight and manage my time properly.
I decided to research and ask my family what they thought would be a good career. After utilizing Google for researching salaries and future job growth, I ended up with liking the idea of pharmacy. That summer I volunteered at an independent pharmacy and and loved it! This solidified my push to apply to pharmacy school. In subsequent semesters my GPA increased dramatically to 3.5-4.0 range for the rest of my time in the undergraduate studies. I graduated in 2009 with Magna Cum Laude honors in Biological Sciences.
So why then am I creating this blog and videos on how to get into pharmacy school? I found it extremely difficult to get quality information on how to apply to pharmacy school. There is a plethora of little details required to apply to graduate schools and specifically in this case, pharmacy school. Students must find out what type of pre-requisite courses are needed for each pharmacy program, preparing for the standardized exam called the PCAT, deadlines, letters of recommendation, pharmacy experience, interviewing, resume writing, personal statements, and extracurricular activities.
In 2008, I was accepted to the University of Washington School of Pharmacy. After 4 years of hard work I graduated in 2012 and started my pharmacy career in Long Term Care Pharmacy and Inpatient Hospital Pharmacy. I currently practice in both of these areas and enjoy caring for my patients.
I learned a lot about the process of applying to pharmacy school and hope to share my experiences and knowledge with the rest of the aspiring future pharmacists.
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